Tuesday, 12 July 2016

Newbuildings, docking & repairs with The Shipyard Representatives or Brokers

RE: Newbuildings, docking & repairs with The Shipyard Representatives or Brokers

Operating a ship is an expensive business with a need for constantly renewing itself as new rules and regulations are set. Intermediate and Special Surveys are required on even the best maintained vessels, causing significant cash flow challenges & lost earning days.

In an industry where reputation has real commercial value, proper yard selection adds value and enables businesses to protect stakeholders' interests and gain competitive advantage.

However, there is also debate on the merits of Shipyard representatives or Brokers due to some bad examples. Unqualified or temporary representatives and brokers may damage the industry just as bad yards or shipowners may also do.

Our team has considerable experience in helping businesses to reply all your questions on newbuildings, docking & repairs in Turkey. We review and reply your questions for the sake of better understanding of our yards and working habits to achieve better results.

Studies show that working with the successful and professional agents provide the following benefits to shipowners/managers;

1.    The Shipyard Representatives or Brokers can furnish the latest and accurate market information on the following issues;

·         Latest developments regarding prices and quality of works,

·         Actual feedbacks and reliability information on the yards received by other clients or sources and directly,

·         Shipyard availabilities and booking conditions,

·         Recent developments on organization of the yards and their reputation,

·         New investments,

·         Holidays and other performance factors that affect the success of works & progress.

2.    Ease of getting  better terms and conditions than compared to going direct (depends on the representatives' capability, its customer base and relations with the yards)

·         Better price and payment conditions

·         First Class or high level of customer support and interest

·         Additional advantages

3.    Conflict Prevention and aiding and if requested managing dispute resolution between Shipowners and Yards

4.    In case any organizational change of the Shipowners, previous good practices and special benefits for the shipowners will continue from the yards

5.    Continuously monitor the repair or newbuilding performance and support the both parties for the success

6.    Satisfied customer guarantees follow-up 

7.    If the agents/brokers are local or have local offices/partners, they could have more control on the yards since they also know all level of management, senior engineers, engineers and also subcontractors. These kinds of agents are also giving some local free assistance from opening meeting until the end of guarantee period with regular visits.

8.    The Shipowners will have the benefit from all OF THE above advantages (not only limited to above) without making any direct payment to Representatives

The Shipyard Representatives or Brokers will also provide the following benefits to yards;

·         Ability to bring more ships than shipowners,

·         Business development support,

·         Being guarantor or reference to the yard when new customers require,

·         Provide the yard more accurate information about the Shipowner,

·         Ensuring the continued success of the good relationship with the customer and the correction of the hidden/missing defects,

·         Correction of customer dissatisfaction on time,

·         An outsider's perspective and independent free inspection to the yards which enables them to continue successful applications and to take action to correct or prevent the nonconformities,

·         Tracking payments of the Shipowners and customer feedbacks & potential new projects. 

It will always be a big issue whether the shipowners will cooperate with the shipyard representatives & brokers or not and how?

Meanwhile, we will be happy to assist you in regards to your questions and comments any time. May we receive them?

Tell us what we can do for you. 

I am, with kind regards,

Osman Kaya TURAN

Naval Architect and Marine Engineer (MBA, MSc)




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